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Private & Personal Shopping by Appointment


There are a few reasons we have started offering both private shopping and private/personal shopping. Some of our clients have a hard time getting to Gossip during regular business hours and several clients really want to come in on Mondays (the only day we are closed). So we created Shopping by Appointment. We will be able to take you by appointment on Mondays from 9am to 8pm, Tuesday - Saturday 9am to 11am and 7pm to 9pm.

There is a $50 booking fee per person that will be put towards your purchases.

Private shopping is a great idea for both individuals and groups.



Personal/Private Shopping with Katherine can also be booked during those hours. She said, "My clients have been

asking me to do this for years and I'm finally able to offer personal styling after hours." Appointments can be made Monday - Friday mornings and evening.

Hourly rate is $50.






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© Gossip on 23rd 2014

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